About Air Quality England
Welcome to Air Quality England, a resource for local air quality information and air quality data provision funded and hosted by Ricardo Energy & Environment. This website has been designed to provide all of Ricardo Energy & Environment's customers across England a portal for the dissemination of their air quality data as well as an information resource for members of the public. This site complements resources available to local authorities via the Defra web pages and LAQM TG 16 technical guidance.
Ricardo Energy & Environment's air quality monitoring services via Air Quality England (also known as the Calibration Club) has been designed to help local authorities and private sector customers fulfill their duties within the Local Air Quality Management framework. The service promotes and supports best practice in the application of quality control to automatic air-monitoring data in line with the Government's technical guidance (LAQM.TG(16)).
As part of their obligation local authorities are required to publish and disseminate information on local air quality to members of the public. Air Quality England provides the mechanism for fulfilling this obligation.
Air Quality England provides access to the latest air pollutant concentrations from each monitoring station and the current level of pollution as defined by Defra and provided as the Daily Air Quality Index (DAQI). It also enables the user access to historic data sets, statistics and graphing tools.
The Air Quality England website provides the following functionality:
- Air Quality Report outputs in a pdf format for LAQM reporting to Defra (providing all the information required for reporting to the detailed assessment level)
- Access to air quality monitoring data sets along with current pollution levels in near real time in the context of the Defra agreed daily air quality index bandings (DAQI) as indicated visually on the Councils bespoke homepage and map
- Access to the site/pollutant air quality statistics (percentiles, maximum concentration, 15 minute, hourly, daily, annual and running mean information, data capture rates etc.) relevant to the air quality objectives
- Information and summary statistics on all the relevant pollutants in the context of UK and European legislation - in an easy to understand format
Access to the uBreathe app. This free app is for use on iPhone, iPad and Android tablets and phones. The app provides air pollution health advice via the colour-coded UK map that locates where you are to give you instant access to current and forecast air pollution information, wherever you are in the UK
Access to the airTEXT app. This is available for free and provides air pollution, UV, pollen and temperature forecasts for Greater London
- Bespoke information on each monitoring stations and location information
- Graphing tools driven by an easy to use interactive user driven menu
- Public access to all functionality and data via tablets and mobile phones
- Background information on air quality and useful links
- Current and historical data download function, data marked as provisional or ratified
- Pollution exceedence counts for reference against the air quality strategy objectives
- An interactive map showing the measurement locations and current pollution levels